Human Capital Development Engineer

Profession will appear after 2022
Mining and metallurgical complex

The specialist will lead the development of an individual program for the preservation and development of human health based on his CRM card. He will develop individual portraits for each employee and will predict the development of his health, and not only monitor his illnesses and resolve issues of admission or non-admission to certain types of work.

Over-professional skills

The ability of a specialist to combine (summarize) particular facts into a big picture, build hierarchical levels for understanding various situations (economic, political, business) and making long-term decisions. An important quality is the understanding of how a change in one element will subsequently affect other elements.

The importance of systemic thinking is increasing due to the acceleration of changes in life, the need to learn new professions, as well as the growing interpenetration of various areas in each other (social networks, economics, politics, production, etc.).

Specialists with systemic thinking skills will be able to solve such problems, make strong long-term decisions in the context of rapid changes in the economy, diagnose large technical and social systems, make decisions on eliminating the root causes that hinder development, and this skill will allow for the integration of various project teams into a single working organism.


Systemic thinking

They understand customer focus as the ability to work with customer requests, the ability of the company and employees to timely determine the desires of customers in order to satisfy them with their products or services with maximum benefit. This competency has become critical to the success of companies, competition for consumers is growing all the time, and all employers want to see customer-oriented employees. In the second half of the 20th century, the concept of an internal client appeared, i.e. an intermediate consumer located further along the production chain within the same company. Possession of this competency allows you to accurately understand the client’s request and offer the most suitable solution for him, as well as to build the production and service process more rationally, eliminating the stages that are not important for the client.


Customer focus

Educational institutions


Aktobe Regional State University named K. Zhubanova

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Companies in which this profession may be in demand