Satbayev University


As of August 2017, Satbayev University has: 10 institutes, 8 research institutes, 32 departments, 262 educational research laboratories, 5 scientific laboratories, 2 training grounds. An associate member of 9 associations and consortia in the field of education, science and technology, Satbayev University as of 2017 occupies a leading position in national and international rankings. More than 50% of the full-time employees have advanced degrees. Training is carried out according to the credit system.

All professions

Specialist in virtual prototyping

Reverse engineering design engineer

Engineer designer of industrial robotics 

Engineer-designer of household robots

Engineer-designer of radio photonics devices

A specialist in the field of nanotechnology

Specialist in predictive diagnostics

3D printing materials scientist

Specialist in nanophotonics and metamaterials

Cybersecurity specialist (industrial)

BIG DATA analyst (industrial)

Technologist quantum computing

Operator quantum computing

Analyst quantum computing

Quantum cryptologist

Developer adc constructor (aggregated digital doubles)

Operator adc

Digital Avatar Developer

The designer of distributed registries

Blockchain -technologist

Iot specialist

Architect peripheral computing

Developer universal ai

Technologist artificial intelligence's

Designer artificial neural network

Development engineer artificial neural network

Devops engineer

Developer neurocomputer interfaces' interactions human and ai

Ethical consultant universal ai

Developer, engineering designer VR/AR/MR

Editor, designer VR / AR / MR

Operator VR / AR / MR

Guide to mixed realities (functions can be performed by ai)

Cyborgizer engineer

Instructor on cyborgization

R&d manager



Robotic Mining Operator

Remote operator-technologist


Reliability Engineer

Predictive Equipment Diagnostics Engineer

Equipment Upgrade Engineer

Composite Materials Designer

Repair Compatibility Engineer / Hardware System Upgrader

Recycling Technologist

IT technologist

Production process synchronization manager / planner / spotter

Unmanned vehicle operator

Big-data architect

Blockchain network administrator

Machine learning specialist

Digital technologist

Big Data Analyst

Equipment Lifecycle Management Specialist

Specialist in 3D modeling workflows

Remote Specialties Developer

Gentle metallurgy specialist

Designer-constructor for refabrication of spaces and territories

IT dispatcher

Engineer-technologist peripheral computing

Design Engineer to create digital twin of fields

Design Engineer for Digital Twins of Refineries

Production Data Analyst and Machine Learning Specialist

Petroleum Service Digitalization Engineer (BIG DATA Architect)

IT dispatcher

Unmanned aerial vehicle operator

Drone control specialist for field development (geology, geodesy, mine surveying)

Universal pipeline manager

Cyber Security Engineer

Defender against cyber attacks

Analytical Engineer in the Oil and Gas Industry

Computational Chemist

Nanotechnology engineer

Extractive Industries Ecoanalyst (Mitigation Management)

Composite Chemist

Laboratory chemist for the development of new materials

Aircraft Fuel Chemist

Technologist for the production of rubber, polypropylene, rubber and plastic from coal

Chemical Engineering Technologist

Power engineer for innovative energy (generation of various types of energy)

Hydrogen Energy Technologist

Biological interaction technologist

Design engineer for modernization and adaptation of equipment

Equipment Modernization Supervisor

3D printing operator

Equipment Reliability and Predictive Analytics Engineer

Service software developer for oil and gas processes

Industrial reality 3D modeling specialist for worker training

Smart Grid Designer

Artificial Intelligence Development and Implementation Engineer (Smart Grid)

Smart manager

RES operational dispatcher

Developer-designer of electric and heat energy storage devices

Numerical methods in energy

Modernization Engineer for Traditional Energy Equipment

Reactor equipment engineer

Generating device mechanic

Engineer for the development of CAD based on multiphysics modeling of energy objects

Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles for process control and geological exploration

Integrated Pricing Specialist

Equipment repair and modernization supervisor

3D Printing Wizard

Human Capital Development Engineer

Developer of personal protective equipment in harsh working conditions

Kinesiologist of industrial professions

Designer of individual training programs

Virtual mentor

Constructor of a profile of use and replacement of waste and secondary resources

Procurement officer

Designer/ developer/ engineer-technologist smart cyberphysical infrastructures

Operator intellectual cyber-physical infrastructures

Architect it ecosystems

Monitoring's multi-experience (user experience)
