About the Atlas

Dear friends! In the context of an actively changing modern world, the labor market is just as rapidly changing. Some professions appear and become popular, other professions are less in demand and are a thing of the past. Surely you also wondered: What to become? Which job to choose? Which profession, traditional or new, is better to learn?

You may have asked for advice from relatives and friends, searched for information on the Internet, and gathered reviews from friends. You were given different advice: following your dream to look for your favorite business, or to continue the family labor dynasty, or to choose a prestigious, well-paid job.

Each option is good in its own way, but not so easy to achieve. Prestigious work attracts many and the competition will first be high for training and then for the workplace. Of course, you will get an incentive for development, but not all have achieved the desired result. For high income and career success, you must be prepared for difficult trials and great competition. Continuing the family business is definitely a worthy choice that your relatives expect and encourage from you. However, this may not be your calling at all, and you will not be inspired by the secrets of professional excellence that loved ones are ready to share so generously with you.

And what if you find a profession that will be in demand for years to come, will realize itself and will be in demand in the labor market, and friends and parents

  • will be proud of your choice?
  • Today, such a choice can be made with the help of our Atlas of new professions.

Atlas of new professions is a collection of professions that, according to experts of each industry, are already in demand and will appear in the near future. Such a close future for us in this Atlas is defined for 5-10 years.

The materials of the presented Atlas of professions are based on the use of the forecasting methodology of the future based on the technological Foresight. Technological Foresight allows you to determine which work skills are most in demand with the development of advanced technology and broad innovation.


In order to determine which professions will be relevant in 5-10 years, the Foresight methodology (Foresight) is used. The Foresight Methodology assumes that:

  • The future cannot be guaranteed or predicted;

  • The future depends on our actions and efforts in the present;

  • The development of the future has many options, and we can choose the scenario that suits us more.

The leading role in developing scenarios for the future belongs to industry experts - specialists who have significant experience in their field, influence the development of the industry and have their own vision for the development of the future.

Scenarios of the future are developed and agreed upon by industry experts jointly at work and during discussion at a special event called a foresight session.

The main goal of the foresight session is to identify and analyze the trends of the future - long-term processes developing in time that affect the changing branches of professional activity.

Identified trends can have both positive and negative consequences: provide opportunities and create threats. For example, increasing the availability of information provides an opportunity for free access to knowledge, but also carries the risk of information overload and even information attack.




Expert opinions


All professions


Industry experts

The response to future opportunities and emerging threats are technological responses that take advantage of opportunities and neutralize threats. Technological feedback allows you to create specific solutions that are most effective in every industry.

Emerging new technologies determine what competencies future specialists must have in order to use them. The unification and grouping of new competencies creates the requirements for new professions - professions of the future that are emerging now and the demand for them will be high in 5-10 years.

Along with the formation of new professions, innovative technologies make some professions unnecessary and present significant requirements for changes in others.

Professions that will not be in demand in the future are called endangered professions; those professions that remain, but will be substantially changed, are called transforming professions.

In order to become a sought-after specialist, you should choose one of the professions of the future and it makes no sense to choose a profession from among those that disappear.

In the Atlas of new professions you can find a description of 3 groups of professions:

  • New professions - professions that do not yet officially exist, but are highly likely to appear in the near future;

  • Transforming professions are already existing professions and specialties that are highly likely to change a lot;

  • Disappearing professions are those professions and specialties that with a high degree of probability will not be in demand in the near future.


How do you determine which new professions will appear, how completely existing professions will transform or disappear?

Changing old or new professions depends on what technologies will develop and what trends will determine future scenarios. Trends are strong sustainable processes of change in society and the economy. Together with scientific progress, they generate innovative technologies. The application of new technologies in enterprises is changing the process of performing work. Modern machines, machine tools and equipment begin to carry out part of the operations without the help of people and thereby show which production tasks and with them the professions will disappear - this is how the list of disappearing professions appears. On the other hand, innovative technologies and mechanisms pose new labor tasks and put forward new requirements for employees. Industry experts analyze these changes and form a vision of what new professions will be needed. That is how leading trends, together with scientific progress and technologies, change labor tasks and set production challenges, which leads to a change in the composition of professions.

Of course, the description of a new profession is a forecast, not a detailed job description. The best specialists of each industry, selected as experts, jointly evaluate the development and identify new tasks and competencies necessary for future specialists. Having studied the description of new professions, you can form your personal idea of ​​which professions and employees will be in demand in the future and make your choice. Becoming a specialist of the future you yourself will fill the work with specific content and create the image of a new profession. The task of our Atlas is to help you determine the direction of choice and understanding of knowledge and competencies, which, of course, are necessary for future work.

What will happen to transforming and disappearing professions?

Most of the transforming professions are in demand today, but to maintain their relevance, specialists already need to learn new skills that require new technology, new risks and opportunities in the industry. The name of the profession may not change, but the level of qualification requirements within the profession is changing. It is useful to study this class of professions for those who already have an education and plan to improve their qualifications. Perhaps you are engaged in precisely these professions or would like to master them, you need to consider in which direction your competencies should be developed.

Also, specialists need to pay attention to endangered professions. There are two main reasons for the disappearance of professions:

  1. Automation - in the context of the development of digital technologies: both the profession of manual labor and some of the simple professions of mental labor are being reduced - they will be automated.

  2. the loss of the need for results or services of labor also leads to the fact that the profession is gradually disappearing. In the near future, such professions as: accountant, translator, surveyor, librarian, travel agent, waiter and etc. may disappear.


Future competencies

Atlas of new professions prepared in 9 industries. To make it convenient for you to work with the Atlas of new professions, we built it according to a universal model. The forecasting of the professions of all sectoral Atlases is based on six main trends that have the greatest impact on changes in the industry and the economy as a whole.

Leading trends are:

  1. Spread the deployment of robots and smart systems

  2. Expanding the Applications of Digitalization and Big Data

  3. Depletion of natural resources

  4. Strengthening environmental standards and the development of recycling

  5. The manifestation of new labor requirements for workers of generations Y and Z

  6. Change in consumer preferences

All professions at their core have a number of competencies that will form the basis of professional skills in the near future.

The core competencies in the Atlas are:

  1. Systemic Thinking

  2. Cross-industry communication skills

  3. Environmental thinking

  4. Lean Manufacturing

  5. Management of projects and processes

  6. Customer focus

  7. Programming/Robotics/Artificial Intelligence

  8. Creativity

  9. Multilingualism and multiculturalism

For the convenience of working with Atlas materials, you can use filters to help you quickly find and choose professions.

Filters group professions:

  • Industry (9 industries)

  • New\Transforming\Disappearing

  • Trends

  • Competencies