Kostanay Social and Technical University named after Academician Z. Aldamzhar


The main strategic task of the KSTU is the training of highly qualified specialists for the relevant sectors of the economy and social spheres of society, the formation, development and professional formation of an individual based on national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.

All professions

Regeneration and disposal engineer

Smart Grid Designer

Specialist in integrated design of power supply systems

Artificial Intelligence Development and Implementation Engineer (Smart Grid)

Smart manager

RES operational dispatcher

Hydrogen Energy Engineer

Developer-designer of autonomous power systems

Developer-designer of electric and heat energy storage devices

Numerical methods in energy

Modernization Engineer for Traditional Energy Equipment

Reactor equipment engineer

Generating device mechanic

Cybersecurity Specialist for Complex Energy Networks

Economics Specialist on Demand

Energy manager

Engineer for the development of CAD based on multiphysics modeling of energy objects

Industrial psychologist

Financial Instruments Engineer