Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi


Today KazNU named after al-Farabi is a whole educational and scientific complex, which offers you a wide range of specialties. The university has 16 faculties, 67 departments, 32 research institutes and centers, a technopark; more than 2 thousand professors, doctors, candidates of sciences and doctors of philosophy, more than 100 academicians of the largest academies, more than 40 honored workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about 40 laureates of State and personal prizes of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 40 laureates of prizes for young scientists, 47 scholars of state scientific scholarships work. More than 25 thousand students and undergraduates study at the university in a multilevel system of higher professional education. We cooperate with 418 largest international universities in the world to implement joint international training programs, student exchange and internships. We can say with full confidence that we are preparing the future of Kazakhstan, because the overwhelming majority of our graduates are members of the elite of Kazakhstani society and participate in shaping the vector of the country's development. This is our most important result, we are proud of it and look to the future with confidence. We are waiting for you at our university. Welcome to KazNU named after al-Farabi!

All professions

Technologist quantum computing

Operator quantum computing

Analyst quantum computing

Quantum cryptologist

Developer adc constructor (aggregated digital doubles)

Operator adc

The designer of distributed registries

Blockchain -technologist

Designer/ developer/ engineer-technologist smart cyberphysical infrastructures

Iot specialist

Architect peripheral computing

Developer universal ai

Technologist artificial intelligence's

Designer artificial neural network

Development engineer artificial neural network

Devops engineer

Big Data Analytics (in the field of tourism)

Developer neurocomputer interfaces' interactions human and ai

Cyber protector universal ai

Ethical consultant universal ai

Specialist in predictive Analytics (in the field of tourism)

Developer, engineering designer VR/AR/MR

Editor, designer VR / AR / MR

Operator VR / AR / MR

Innovative Manager (hotel business)

Operator of innovative equipment maintenance

Guide to mixed realities (functions can be performed by ai)

Cyborgizer engineer

Instructor on cyborgization

Consultant it ethics

Digital lawyer

Cyber investigator

Cyber ​​protector

UAV operators (in tourism)

Cyber lawyer

R&d manager

Brand Manager of tourist destinations

Manager of ethno-tourism



Manager environmental tourism

Tutor of digital development (talent manager)

Manager of medical and affordable tourism

Cyberchallenge – designer digital skills

Online Manager for the promotion of tourist products

Monitoring's multi-experience (user experience)

Manager of safe tourism

Architect it ecosystems

Operator intellectual cyber-physical infrastructures

Engineer-technologist peripheral computing


Agronomist of energy crops

Microbiologist on microalgae


Smart Grid Designer

Artificial Intelligence Development and Implementation Engineer (Smart Grid)

Smart manager

RES operational dispatcher

Energy Marketer

Hydrogen Energy Engineer

Developer-designer of electric and heat energy storage devices

Numerical methods in energy

Building manager, apartment building

City Moderator

NPP construction and operation specialists

Modernization Engineer for Traditional Energy Equipment

Aerohydrodynamics of wind and hydro turbines

Reactor equipment engineer

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Process Engineer

Gas station designer

Generating device mechanic

Process Engineer for High Temperature Materials Science

Cybersecurity Specialist for Complex Energy Networks

Economics Specialist on Demand

Energy manager

Financial Instruments Engineer

Engineer for the development of CAD based on multiphysics modeling of energy objects

Industrial psychologist

Digital Avatar Developer
