Atyrau State University named H. Dosmukhamedova


Atyrau State University named Kh. Dosmukhamedov is one of the unique universities in the western region of Kazakhstan with its distinctive history and rich long-term experience in the field of education and science. The university includes 6 faculties, 29 departments, 7 research centers. The university employs about 500 teachers, of which 200 are doctors and candidates of sciences, PhD doctors, more than 30 are the best teachers of the university. More than 7 thousand students and undergraduates are educated at the university on a multi-stage system. We have established relations of fruitful cooperation in the field of organization of practice, student mobility, implementation of modern international educational programs with 150 major international universities.

All professions

Technologist quantum computing

Operator quantum computing

Analyst quantum computing

Quantum cryptologist

Designer/ developer/ engineer-technologist smart cyberphysical infrastructures

Devops engineer

Guide to mixed realities (functions can be performed by ai)

Cyberchallenge – designer digital skills


Engineer-technologist peripheral computing

It engineer for water resources management

Architect peripheral computing

Tutor of digital development (talent manager)

Cyber lawyer