NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda"


Today, KSMU has implemented a multilevel structure of continuous training of medical personnel. It includes a medical college for training mid-level health workers, as well as a faculty of continuous professional development, where more than three thousand doctors improve their professional level annually. The university has introduced a credit technology of education and a three-stage training model: bachelor - master - doctor РhD. In 2013, new bachelor's specialties "Biology" and "Technology of pharmaceutical production" were opened. Currently, the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in KSMU is carried out within the framework of the magistracy and doctoral PhD in the specialties "Medicine", "Public health", "Nursing", "Pharmacy", "Technology of pharmaceutical production", "Medical and preventive work"

All professions

Developer of personal protective equipment in harsh working conditions

Kinesiologist of industrial professions
