Baishev University


Baishev University implements educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in a wide range of training areas; carries out applied research in priority areas; is a leading scientific and methodological center in the field of youth education and sociology of youth policy. The most important principles of the University's activities are the fundamental nature and quality of knowledge, the continuity and continuity of education and science, the usefulness to society and the state, the integration of the University into the Kazakh and world educational space.

All professions

Digital logistic card constructor

Alternative and Eco Transport Technician

Design Engineer to create digital twin of fields

Design Engineer for Digital Twins of Refineries

Production Data Analyst and Machine Learning Specialist

Petroleum Service Digitalization Engineer (BIG DATA Architect)

IT dispatcher

Cyber Security Engineer

Defender against cyber attacks

Analytical Engineer in the Oil and Gas Industry

Extractive Industries Ecoanalyst (Mitigation Management)

Aircraft Fuel Chemist

Chemical Engineering Technologist

Service software developer for oil and gas processes

Industrial reality 3D modeling specialist for worker training

Transport gamiifier
