Agro-tourism Manager

Profession will appear after 2025

The duties of the agro-tourism manager include organization of all kinds of works on creation and promotion of this direction of tourism: interaction with local authorities, attraction of investors, control over fulfillment of all contractual obligations of stakeholders. He is engaged in developing the concept of agrotourism.

Novelty of the profession: distinguishing agrotourism as an independent direction in view of increasing demand for this type of tourist services.

Key competences:

  • knowledge of the basics of animal husbandry, plant growing and horticulture, national traditions and customs.
  • knowledge of basics of tourist products development.

Over-professional skills

Lean manufacturing is an enterprise management concept based on the constant search, reduction or elimination of losses. Losses are understood to mean those actions, processes or operations that consume resources (human, temporary, material, etc.), but do not add value to the end or intermediate consumer.

Lean manufacturing changes the approach to managing the enterprise’s efficiency from extensive (working more and faster) to intensive (working more efficiently, that is, doing only what is necessary and not doing what can be done without).

Professionals with lean competencies will be able to increase the efficiency of departments or enterprises as a whole without attracting large investments. The relevance of lean management methods is growing because traditional management methods have already reached their peak, further business development will increasingly focus on intensive development and lean improvement methods.



They understand customer focus as the ability to work with customer requests, the ability of the company and employees to timely determine the desires of customers in order to satisfy them with their products or services with maximum benefit. This competency has become critical to the success of companies, competition for consumers is growing all the time, and all employers want to see customer-oriented employees. In the second half of the 20th century, the concept of an internal client appeared, i.e. an intermediate consumer located further along the production chain within the same company. Possession of this competency allows you to accurately understand the client’s request and offer the most suitable solution for him, as well as to build the production and service process more rationally, eliminating the stages that are not important for the client.


Customer focus

Multiculturalism is the preservation and development in a particular community (state or enterprise) of the cultural characteristics of the people there. Multiculturalism and multilingualism at the enterprise involves not only the consideration of national or religious cultures, but also cultures of thinking, psychotypes, communications and individual characteristics.

The modern world is becoming global at a rapid pace. Already now is no exception a company in which specialists who are born or reside in different parts of the earth work. The policy of multiculturalism and multilingualism sets the vector for the interaction of dissimilar people: not to conflict, but to recognize each other.

The changes taking place today pose new, unprecedented hitherto challenges. It is generally recognized that the most effective solutions are born at the intersection of different areas of knowledge, approaches, and cultures. The most effective teams include people with different characteristics of thinking, psychology, distribution of roles in the team. Multicultural teams will be able to find effective unusual solutions and even solve problems that still cannot be solved.


Multilingualism and multiculturalism

Intersectoral communication consists in understanding technologies, processes and the market situation in various related and non-adjacent industries, cross-functional and cross-disciplinary interaction. More and more advanced products are created at the junction of different industries and specialists need the ability to understand several areas of knowledge at the same time. This competency allows you to learn faster, take the best from different fields, and through this mutual enrichment, ensure development within your field. Those with such competence can create unexpected, unique, breakthrough solutions.


Intersectoral communication

The ability of a specialist to combine (summarize) particular facts into a big picture, build hierarchical levels for understanding various situations (economic, political, business) and making long-term decisions. An important quality is the understanding of how a change in one element will subsequently affect other elements.

The importance of systemic thinking is increasing due to the acceleration of changes in life, the need to learn new professions, as well as the growing interpenetration of various areas in each other (social networks, economics, politics, production, etc.).

Specialists with systemic thinking skills will be able to solve such problems, make strong long-term decisions in the context of rapid changes in the economy, diagnose large technical and social systems, make decisions on eliminating the root causes that hinder development, and this skill will allow for the integration of various project teams into a single working organism.


Systemic thinking

Project and process management includes the ability to focus on the project goals, the ability to competently plan and organize team actions for the effective implementation of tasks, the ability to assess existing risks and opportunities for all parties to the interaction. A specialist who has this skill knows how to properly organize the work on the project within the specified funding framework, and is able to correctly distribute the work in order to meet the deadlines set by the project. such a specialist is constantly learning something new, is not afraid to make mistakes, is able to generate new effective ways to solve problems and tasks. the demand for specialists with knowledge and tools in the field of project management will increase, as project activities are considered by companies as the most important factor in their effective development

Project and process management

Environmental thinking is focused on achieving harmony between business and the environment. A business cycle is already developing from creation to disposal of a product, and not just its sale and consumption. Environmental thinking puts health and sustainable development at the top of the list.

The importance of environmental thinking is increasing due to the fact that industrial development has reached the limit and all further models of sustainable growth of society, the economy and business should be built on the basis of mutual interests with nature, the ecosystem, its maintenance and development.

Specialists with environmental thinking skills will be able to solve such problems as: respect for resources, achieving zero emission of harmful substances into the environment, waste management and use of secondary resources


Environmental thinking

Educational institutions


Ш.Есенов атындағы Каспий мемлекеттік технологиялар және инжиниринг университеті

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Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati

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Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov

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Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova

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Kazakh Academy of sport & tourism

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Companies in which this profession may be in demand


LLP Tourist Center "Golden Caravan"

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LLP "Turkestan Elite Tour"

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Time Fly Travel LLP

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Kan Tengri Expeditions LLP

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