Gas electric welder⇒Operator of welding machines

Mining and metallurgical complex

A specialist who connects metals to each other using a temperature so high that the surfaces to be joined are welded, connecting together. a gas welder heats surfaces with a flame from the combustion of gases (usually a mixture of oxygen with acetylene). an electric welder heats surfaces with an electric arc - an electric discharge of high amperage.


  • Electric welder: manual welding skills, visual acuity; clear coordination of movements.
  • Operator: knowledge of the basics of programming;
  • selection of the welding method by determining the required program.

Trigger: the appearance of gas welding machines at the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan

Over-professional skills

Lean manufacturing is an enterprise management concept based on the constant search, reduction or elimination of losses. Losses are understood to mean those actions, processes or operations that consume resources (human, temporary, material, etc.), but do not add value to the end or intermediate consumer.

Lean manufacturing changes the approach to managing the enterprise’s efficiency from extensive (working more and faster) to intensive (working more efficiently, that is, doing only what is necessary and not doing what can be done without).

Professionals with lean competencies will be able to increase the efficiency of departments or enterprises as a whole without attracting large investments. The relevance of lean management methods is growing because traditional management methods have already reached their peak, further business development will increasingly focus on intensive development and lean improvement methods.



The ability of a specialist to combine (summarize) particular facts into a big picture, build hierarchical levels for understanding various situations (economic, political, business) and making long-term decisions. An important quality is the understanding of how a change in one element will subsequently affect other elements.

The importance of systemic thinking is increasing due to the acceleration of changes in life, the need to learn new professions, as well as the growing interpenetration of various areas in each other (social networks, economics, politics, production, etc.).

Specialists with systemic thinking skills will be able to solve such problems, make strong long-term decisions in the context of rapid changes in the economy, diagnose large technical and social systems, make decisions on eliminating the root causes that hinder development, and this skill will allow for the integration of various project teams into a single working organism.


Systemic thinking