Foresters and related workers => Forestry 2.0


Drones, lasers, scanners, infrared sensors, 3D sensing and visualization, and the Internet of things are already being used in forestry.  Sensors, cameras and other electronic devices connected to equipment and vehicles exchange data and interact over the Internet and can be controlled and monitored remotely. This is already common for timber carriers, where advanced telematics has changed the management of the fleet, warehouse, and timber warehouse. In-cab cameras, load measuring equipment, sensors that monitor the driver and engine, and on-Board computers that combine and analyze all incoming information allow managers to manage the operation in the mode real-time via a gadget (smartphone, tablet, or computer). South Africa's largest forestry company, Montigny, which manages 80,000 hectares of pine in Swaziland, has developed and is using a new forestry strategy in Usutu. The strategy is based on a comprehensive system that uses micromanagement of every action from the control room: issues detailed work instructions, sets time frames, and performs quality checks using satellite images and drone video recordings. This system allows you to make deliberate verified decisions prescribed in the following the instructions reduces errors to zero.

Trigger -  automation, digitalization and robotization of forestry.