Mechanical engineering Publication Date 19-10-2020

Demyanenko Evgeny Stanislavovich

Director of the Technocenter of JSC "Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant".

Yevgeniy Stanislavovych, how do you evaluate the current development of mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan? What key events for the last 5 years, in your opinion, have had the most significant impact on the industry in Kazakhstan?

Negative factors, negatively influencing not only on the development of mechanical engineering, but also aggravating its condition as a whole:

  • Wide scale "entry" of imported goods to the market of the Kyrgyz Republic, due to which there is a decrease of production volumes;
  • High cost of imported purchased items and components, as well as the cost of metal, accordingly, not competitive cost of items;
  • Shortage of qualified personnel.

How do you think the development of mechanical engineering in the world today is influenced by which trends? What trends will have the greatest impact on the domestic machine-building in the nearest 10-15 years?

Positive trends for mechanical engineering development:

  • Energy saving technologies, green energy, recycling of raw materials
  • Robotization of production process

Negative trends for engineering development:

  • Migration of qualified specialists both at home and abroad.
  • Excess of low-skilled labor and shortage of highly qualified personnel

What technologies, in your opinion, will have a greater impact on the development of domestic machine-building in the near future? How will the industry change with the introduction of these technologies?

  • Sophisticated 5-axis processing
  • 3-D printing and scanning
  • Additive technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence

In the near future no global changes are expected with the introduction of new technologies in the domestic machine-building industry due to the high cost of implementation and sufficiently low demand within the market. Development is possible with a large-scale output of products that are in demand in the world market.

Evgeny Stanislavovich, how do you see the engineering industry of Kazakhstan in 10-15 years? In what direction will it change?

It is difficult to judge what will happen in 10-15 years, but today's trend leads to assembly plants, with a small share of localization (processing). Basically, it is large-knot assembly, welding of metal constructions. If the situation does not change, the level will not be in the best situation as it is at the moment. There is a need for government support to enter the world market of products that are in significant demand, taking into account the competitive cost. It is necessary to take into account the fact that huge costs of mastering new technologies (new equipment) are needed. As well as innovative progress always goes forward, which will lead to new re-equipment in the future.

How do you think the absence of which specialists today most severely hinders the development of your company and the industry in general? What is the reason for the absence of these specialists?

Lack of highly qualified engineering staff due to "unprestibility" of the profession and low salaries. SKSU has released only 5 specialists in 2020. Already in 2017, there is an acute shortage of specialists in the engineering direction, as engineering staff (machining technologists, assembly plants, programming of CNC machines, cold and hot metal processing, application of protective coatings), and workers professions (turners, milling workers, fitters) - which are practically not trained by the relevant educational institutions.

In your opinion, what new professions may appear in the engineering industry in the next 10-15 years, and which in the future will lose their relevance or transform? Which competencies of employees will be most in demand?

Everything will depend on the machine-building industry, direction and further development of the industry. Professions, which may appear in the branch at certain tasks of the state before the branch of mechanical engineering:

  • Robotics Maintenance Specialist;
  • Reverse Design Engineer (reverse engineer);
  • Industrial Robotics Design Engineer;
  • Engineer-constructor of household robots (this profession will be in demand in case of appearance of own production of this direction, otherwise it is not necessary to train specialists for foreign companies);
  • Engineer on renovation;
  • Material scientist of 3D printing;
  • Recycling technology.