Construction Publication Date 19-10-2020

Sakanov Darkhan Kuandykovich

Deputy General Director of the National Center for the Quality of Road Assets RSE (headquarters)

If we evaluate the development of road construction in comparison with other CIS countries, then we probably occupy one of the leading places in implementation. We have declared this year the year of road safety. Last year we focused on concrete roads.

The industry is experiencing a shortage and staff turnover. Universities train little personnel who then go to work in road construction. The Ministry of Education provides few grants. I often meet with graduates and students of universities and TVE, the quality of their education lags behind the requirements of the times. All educational institutions in our country are cut off from production. And we often go and read lectures ourselves, talk about what is happening in the industry, what trends are happening, what specialties are in demand now. We try to do our best to attract new staff to our sector of the industry. We also work with mature personnel, tell them about new technologies that reduce time intervals, improve the quality of roads, and increase their comfort. At the same time, the introduction of technologies does not carry any risks. We are ready for new technologies.

Now the trend of automation is growing and we already have the opportunity to build with the help of GPS, gradually computer systems are being introduced in order to collect specific data from the roads. For example, we have mobile laboratories where we check and test the actual condition of the roads. But we still do not have enough bridge builders, surveyors, manufacturers of road materials.

If we talk about the competence of future specialists, then the main thing is probably communication skills. Most of all innovations in the technological chain, we see in construction. In general, having resolved personnel issues, you can solve the rest. This is the main thing. And the organizations themselves also need to invest in their people. For example, BI Group train their own specialists, conduct annual trainings on new technologies. And if I had a large amount of free money, I would invest it in staff.