Construction Publication Date 19-10-2020

Suilemenov Ermek

Renser Technologies LLP

Effective development of the construction industry is possible primarily in conditions of fair competition in the private sector of the industry. For example, we use some technology that our competitors do not have, while we deliberately take great risks in order for our product to interest the client. The use of new technologies allows not only to earn more, but, first of all, helps to create a product of higher quality.

The most acute problem in the construction industry is the lack of adequate funding. Yes, there is government support: already built apartments are being bought out, but no one invests in the construction process itself. The only bank that can finance the construction process is Zhilstroysberbank.

The industry is experiencing a shortage of staff, the quarantine due to the coronavirus has exposed many problems. We do not have enough bricklayers, finishers. The first reason is that there are no vocational schools that would train the personnel we need, the second is that many employees are people from the regions who worked on a rotational basis. There are no universal specialists in construction, and there cannot be, because the construction of an object consists of several technological stages and at each stage professionals of different directions are needed. We try to attract young staff to work, but there is a problem with their professional training. Young people are trained on an outdated educational base, according to outdated programs. Yes, canons are taught to students, but we, for example, are now using technologies that are rarely used anywhere, and young cadres are far from them. However, a lot depends on the person himself, on his willingness to learn, because many things are studied already in the process of work.

If we talk about the prospect of 10-15 years, then people on the construction site will still be needed, robotization cannot completely replace human labor, the same robot still needs maintenance, that is, a person will still be in demand.