Mechanical engineering Publication Date 16-10-2020

Kamaev Sergey Vasilievich

Director of Kazgidromash LLP, director of KazPolymer LLP

Sergey Vasilievich, how do you assess the current development of mechanical engineering in Kazakh will you? Name three key events over the past five years that, in your opinion, have had the most significant impact on the industry in Kazakhstan.

After a difficult situation in the 90s, we stabilized the situation and made a good start for the development of the industry in the future. I believe that we are at the stage of transition to sustainable development. Of the significant events for us, I would like to note the organization of industry events and sites, such as "AMM" - Mining and Metallurgical Congress and "Creating Kazakhstani". Of the real instruments, the programs of NPP "Atameken" and the Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" are significant.

In your opinion, under the influence of what trends is the development of mechanical engineering currently taking place in the world? Name three trends that will have the greatest impact on the development of domestic mechanical engineering in the next 10-15 years? What changes will occur in the industry in the future under the influence of these trends?

Since the world is now moving towards digitalization of processes and automation of production, I believe that these trends will have the greatest impact on mechanical engineering. Thanks to the virtualization of production preparation, automated control and systematization of processes, changes will occur both within machine-building enterprises (the production process and the emergence of new specialties), and will affect the manufactured products (accuracy, cost price, production time).

Please name three technologies that, in your opinion, will have a greater impact on the development of domestic mechanical engineering in the near future? How will the industry change with the introduction of these technologies?

3D production technologies and quality control have great prospects. I believe that the domestic mechanical engineering needs the development of new methods for obtaining workpieces for small-scale production (precision casting or deformation), which will ensure the avoidance of additional processing. Replacing metals with composites and new methods of hardening materials also have prospects, in my opinion.

Sergey Vasilyevich, how do you see Kazakhstan's mechanical engineering in 10-15 years? In what direction will it change? What level of technological development will it reach, what products will be produced, etc.?

I believe that in Kazakhstan, we must develop the use of the most modern technologies of high-precision engineering, as well as the secondary use of raw materials. The mandatory introduction of digitalization and automation (robotization) should become the norm and ensure high production standards. We need to focus on import substitution. This is especially true for the development of the production of precise, complex units of equipment for the extraction and processing of minerals. At the same time, to create a reserve for the future production of robots for domestic use.

Please tell me, the absence of which specialists are currently holding back the development of your company and the industry as a whole? What is the reason for the absence of these specialists?

The difficulties today concern engineering workers. These are designers, technologists, etc. Also there are not enough machine operators with CNC, ready to learn over time and switch to new systems of machine tools. One of the possible reasons is the decline in the popularity of blue-collar occupations. Now is the time for office workers. It is necessary to raise the status and prestige of the person producing the product.

In your opinion, what new professions can appear in the mechanical engineering industry in the next 10-15 years, and which ones will lose their relevance or transform in the future? What employee competencies will be most in demand?

With the advent of new technologies, of course, professions will also change. In my opinion, there will be specialists in the design and maintenance of robotics. Virtual design, Big Data, reuse of materials will ensure the emergence of new specialties. At the same time, the work of welders, machine operators and operators will change. And such professions as bookkeepers, some warehouse workers, controllers and markers may disappear. Workers should not worry about this, this is a normal evolution of technologies and specialties. The main thing is that a person is inclined to learn and master new things, and also have the ability to work with Big Data.