Publication Date 12-10-2020

Sarbasov Akmadi Adilovich

First Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In implementation of item 39 of the Action Plan on implementation of the pre-election program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Well-being for all! Succession. Justice. Progress" and proposals, received in the course of the national action "Birge", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 19, 2019 № 27, the MTSZN together with the Eurasian group (hereinafter - ERG) started the development of the national project "Atlas of new professions and competencies, demanded at the labor market" (hereinafter - Atlas project), which will combine:

  • new professions;
  • transforming professions;
  • professions that are in demand.

Atlas is one of the advanced professional orientation tools that will allow you to understand future trends in the labor market and identify professions and skills that will become relevant or appear in the next decade.

This project will be aimed at improving the results in the field of employment and labor skills, increasing the relevance of training programs, training in technical and vocational education and higher education institutions. The Atlas results will be a key reference point for educational institutions when introducing new educational disciplines.

Atlas was created on 9 priority branches of economy:

  • Metallurgical,
  • Oil and gas branches,
  • Agricultural,
  • Transport and logistics,
  • Mechanical engineering,
  • ICT,
  • Energy,
  • Tourism,
  • Construction.

Mechanism of Atlas formation presupposes conduction of forecast sessions with subject immersion by technology rapid foresight (rapid foresight) with participation of branch experts in the face of representatives of production, state bodies, branch associations, etc.