Information Technology Publication Date 11-10-2020

Mukanov Baurzhan

Head of the Strategy and Development of IT-Architecture Department of Transtelecom JSC.

On staff outflow and the quality of IT education:

Our university education is outdated. Therefore, when recruiting young personnel who have just graduated from the university, we use an individual approach, because sometimes guys come not only from one university, from one group, and here some guys, for example, have risen to development in 1.5 years, master something new, they are developing, and others are interested in support, they just sit on it, or did not pull development at all.

Yes, they go through certain algorithms and training programs in universities, but the guys are not ready to come and immediately start developing. To do this, they need from 3 months to six months of work with experienced developers on large projects.

Market realities are such that many strong specialists, not finding themselves in our market, leave for the same Belarus, for example. Most IT professionals with good abilities stay here only at the initial stage to understand how the work works, to gain some practical experience, and then leave.

The solution to this problem lies in the creation of suitable conditions for them, state support in the form of stimulating start-ups and supporting young professionals.