Information Technology Publication Date 11-10-2020

Beloshitsky Andrey

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation "Astana IT University"

About IT education and professional transformation of IT professionals:

They say that 70% of university graduates do not work in their specialty. According to my feelings, it is. Then why did they study at the university? In fact, we have been paying for training of obviously unemployed people from our taxes for 4 years. At the same time, the quality of the initial human capital in our country is no worse than anywhere else. We have strong school performance, we are at the top of the international Olympiads in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, etc. It is difficult to describe what competencies IT specialists will need. Of course, hard skills, constant development, mastering new areas are important. Because the area in which they work is constantly changing. You need to think through the prism of the theses: "I am not the smartest, there is something that I do not know." Soft skills are also important. A person who can combine all this will be as close as possible to success. And programming, and communication, and creativity - this is generally about the programmer.

Simple things in IT are automated. To be relevant in this market, you have to transform into something complex. For example, if you were a layout designer, you have to become a front-end developer, learn a Java script or a popular framework to do more complex things, because what you did 3 years ago is already automated. Everyone who works in IT, in my opinion, should undergo a transformation procedure every 3-4 years.