Agriculture Publication Date 11-10-2020

Urazalinov Anuarbek Ginayatovich

Executive Director of Task Holding LLP

If we talk about the state of the industry today, there are problems with the sale of agricultural products. The level of the industry at the moment, I would say, is quite mediocre. Of course, those who work purposefully achieve results in agribusiness. There are also problems with subsidies, we do not always get proper funding. There are problems with equipment, it is very expensive, loans are unprofitable.

If we consider our company, then over the past 5-10 years, we have been actively developing, we were able to increase the yield through the introduction of scientific methods and increased funding. But, of course, there are firms on the market that are close to bankruptcy, especially in vegetable growing and potato growing. They have a difficult position because these firms cannot sell their products.

It should be noted that the system of vocational training in Kazakhstan today is absent as such.

The industry has a high need for specialists of various profiles:

  • machine operators,
  • agronomists,
  • zootechnicians,
  • veterinarians.

Young guys, girls who are now studying in agricultural specialties, many of them do not want to work in the agricultural sector.

We also observe staff turnover, many good specialists go abroad. We do not have time to prepare a replacement for them. Such a situation often happens: the equipment is idle, because there is no one to work, there is no one to put at the tractor.

Our equipment is very expensive, the price reaches 250-300 thousand euros, and you won't let the first comer work on such equipment, there must be a professional with a high level of training.

We try to teach, we assign young guys to an experienced mechanic, this is how they learn. We also stimulate good specialists, increase their wages during the sowing season, harvesting and during cultivation work.

We are experiencing a special shortage of personnel in animal husbandry, the same milkmaids, cattlemen, shepherds are not enough. Of course, there are technologies today that are replacing people.

However, today, we employ both milkmaids and cattlemen, they are still needed.

In order to increase and generally change the situation with professionalism in the industry, it is first of all necessary to create, or rather even restore a system of vocational and technical education, perhaps not to the same extent as under the Soviet Union, but it is still necessary to do this!

There should be training centers in every major city and in regional cities too. It is easier for young specialists to receive 60 thousand tenge in the city than 100 thousand in the countryside, because there are no conditions in the countryside, you have to heat the stove, not every village has a kindergarten, there are no purely living conditions, and the social and cultural life is weak.

There is no particular problem in the introduction of new technologies at our enterprise, if the technology saves money and human resources, then of course it is being introduced, we train our specialists.

In the future, I think, we will use GPS tracking of plowing , harvesting, even, perhaps, without the direct participation of the operator. Now there are technologies where fields are first scanned and electronic maps of fields are created, and equipment with software already works without human intervention, autonomously.

High-tech equipment will be introduced in dairy production, fodder production, feeding complexes, because new technologies save money and human resources.

The introduction of such technologies for the entire industry would have a positive effect, but all these innovations are very expensive, and we have no domestic counterparts, mainly European manufacturers.

If we talk about trends, then we see that the population of the Earth is growing, resources are exhaustible, so agricultural crops will be in demand at all times, the need for food, food will not go anywhere.

And now there is such a trend that it is better to consume less, but of better quality, consume natural products without GMOs and so on.

running an agricultural business can be said to be a risky type of activity, there are many factors that affect the income of an enterprise, the same weather conditions, competition, so not everyone will risk investing heavily in agribusiness.

There are a number of specific problems that have always accompanied the agrarians: climatic conditions, plant diseases and animals, but now the risks have increased.

We are trying to reduce the impact of climatic disasters by irrigating fields, but global warming still affects.

Diseases of plants and animals have always been and will remain, but now a very strong influx of diseases and pests occurs due to migration between countries, now these problems also come to us from outside.

Of course, we are fighting all this, we are introducing plant protection products, insecticides, but the nature of the problem has already changed and this is our reality.