Transport and logistic Publication Date 11-10-2020

Hayitbaev Batyr

Head of MSC Central Asia

The main trend that we are currently seeing is containerization of goods. The change in the industry should be systemic, affecting the entire economy of Kazakhstan.

An important issue is pricing, our policy should be more loyal to our customers so that it is not profitable for them to look for an alternative to transportation from our competitors. We, as a transit state, must develop transit traffic in the first place, and not forget about our exports and imports. You can't just change the price, you first need to optimize the railway itself. The coronavirus showed that we do not have production of high value-added goods, we mainly export materials. Every time they talk about it, when the price of oil falls, then it returns to normal, and everything is forgotten.

High-quality footage is just a disaster. Everyone is “howling” because it is impossible to find qualified personnel. Of course, there are problems in education, but there are also problems in the generation.

I see that people over 32 have a desire to work, and they understand the meaning of the phrase “you can't easily get a fish out of the pond” . Everyone who is younger comes so beautiful, charming and immediately wants a salary of 2-3 thousand dollars, but at the same time they cannot give anything yet. And now, when selecting young personnel, we often do not look at knowledge, the main thing is that there is a desire for work, for growth, development, and we train already at the enterprise. We cannot introduce anything new without qualified personnel.

For me, the future of TLC is in the IT sphere. In the future, if someone needs to transport something, he will simply indicate the cargo code, container type, and so on, select an application from containers , which will be in the right place at the right time, you load it, send it online, receive data on its movements and other necessary information. If there is an unlimited amount of free money, I would invest it in our railway, in distribution hubs and, of course, develop the production of goods with increased added value.