Transport and logistic Publication Date 11-10-2020

Korolev Vasily

General Director of “Freight Company“ TransAl ”LLP, Director of the Project Logistics Center at“ Freight Company “TransAl” LLP, Honorary Professor of the Kazakh-German University.

The main trend that I am now seeing is the long-awaited combination of transport and logistics. Previously, it was more of a conflict relationship, now they are finally on the path of cooperation.

Previously, transport completely dominated and acted as a customer of logistic cooperation that was not ready for such cooperation, although, in fact, it should be the other way around. The next trend is a new interaction between transport and logistics in the countries of Central Asia, where the experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan shows the high technological advancement of Kazakhstan in comparison with other countries of Central Asia. If this is correctly used by partners as a lesson for our country, we can expect accelerated development and implementation of a transparent and understandable to all parties technological corridor, in which the TLC will be able to earn the money it expects. So far, everything works on unilateral and poorly coordinated decisions and relations that are often hostile to the TLC itself.

On the one hand, we have a need for new knowledge, and on the other hand, we see barriers and conflicts in the application of this knowledge, skills, and competencies in the industry.

If we talk about the professions in demand, then I can name the following:

  • IT operators in the field of logistics,
  • developers and technologists of logistics solutions,
  • coordinators,
  • suppliers of all kinds,
  • we need specialists to integrate at all levels.

If possible, I would call these specialists integrators. For example, people who would analyze the market frontally, worked with customers and said what, where and to whom to sell and how to transport. And rear integrators, who would also analyze the market, but would improve the processes of packaging, processing and so on. These are purely logistic professions.

We need aggregators, now they are former dispatchers or people working on the information platform. The role of facilitators will also increase. You will also need specialists in the field of reengineering and optimization in all types and levels of logistics, for example, a transport optimizer, a financial and economic optimizer, a specialist in technological, price, customs and warehouse optimization, and so on. There are no such specialists now.

The industry needs staff. We would like to see educational and production enterprises introduced in all universities with a logistics profile of training, as vocational training platforms operating on the principles of technology bureaus, 3PL and even 4PL enterprises, in which, in cooperation with practitioners and teachers, students would not be in a role observers, but as participants, by the type of how such enterprises work in medical universities, where they study at the student's bench under the supervision of venerable professors.

We would like the government to support this initiative within the framework of tax preferences and benefits for obtaining funding, as well as protect the status of a mentor for practitioners from the business sector in every possible way, who are not easy to invite to a university for such a necessary job.