Mining and metallurgical complex Publication Date 28-07-2020

Shahazhanov Serik

Chairman of the Board of Eurasian Group LLP

In the last 5-10 years, the global steel industry has been rapidly changing under the influence of global trends. The industry 4.0 requires a large-scale digitization of production. Therefore, for our metallurgical enterprises the introduction of digital technologies is a matter of maintaining competitiveness. Requirements to products are increasing, which makes us think more about innovations in production processes.

Industry 4.0, increase of productivity, automation, implementation of new technologies inevitably require from us, as employers, revision of approaches to professions and skills of employees. You should agree that the success of transformation directly depends on the qualification and knowledge of specialists.

This is why ERG, by the way the first company in the country, decided to support the national research "Atlas of new professions in Kazakhstan". The Don Mining and Processing Enterprise - the key raw material base of the largest enterprise of the Group - JSC "TNK "Kazchrome" - was chosen as a pilot site.

During two days the specialists of the Don Mining and Processing Enterprise, ERG, BTS Digital and invited experts thought about the future, predicting, defining trends and professions, which can appear in the industry in the period from 5 to 15 years. At the end of the work there were three groups of professions - those that will change under the influence of time, fundamentally new and those that will remain in the past. Thus, for example, the blacksmith's work will gradually cease to be relevant. Not that there will be nothing to forge, but the production will cope with it in other ways.

Loader, lamp maker, janitor and technical supervisor, according to the participants, should also "retire" by 2025-2030. In the list of those positions that will remain, but will change - sinker, excavator driver, storekeeper, miner, office manager. Experts of our company agree that in the next 10 years will be actively developing the process of leaving the external control systems of equipment to the transition to the built-in (internal) equipment control. A separate big direction is transition to digital warehouses, which will allow to serve separate basic processes faster. The Group is one of the largest employers - we employ over 60 thousand people. Therefore, our company has a clear understanding of what competencies the specialists of the future in the mining and metallurgical complex should have. I am confident that ERG will become the center of attraction for professionals of the whole mining industry of the country. We encourage young specialists to master new professions and realize their potential at the enterprises of our Group.