Tourism Publication Date 11-10-2020

Shaikenova Rashida Rashidovna

Director of the СLE "Kazakhstan Tourist Association"

Tourism is a multi-vector industry, many industries are directly and indirectly related to us. Our association unites participants from many regions of Kazakhstan, we promote the interests of the members of the association, their unique tourism products, we are engaged in the development of ecotourism in Kazakhstan, with our support 150 hotel houses were created.

The main problem in tourism is the personnel issue. Our association works closely with universities and TVE, we train teachers, first of all, introduce them to new trends, changes in legislation, we do everything to keep our teachers aware of the ongoing changes in the market.

In addition, we conduct information tours for foreign tour operators, for foreign journalists, we participate in all exhibitions, if we do not declare ourselves, then no one will talk about us.

Over the past 5-10 years, there have been quite serious changes in the industry. the participants of the Kazakhstani tourism market finally came to understand that selling one nature no longer works today. Literally 2-3 years ago there was a period that I would call the period of reboot of the tourist market.

The competitive environment from fairly successful neighbors around our country is stepping on our heels and taking our clients away, because they have the opportunity to provide more interesting tourist products. We called this reboot period “a return to our origins”, because nature must be presented in conjunction with culture, with history. Our nomadic culture, Turkic civilization is very interesting for tourists. Therefore, we held a whole series of seminars and webinars on in-depth study of the history of culture for market participants, worked on filling our routes with this content, with our own culture.

There was also an understanding of the need to move to digitalization of the tourism business, which is one of the most important trends and enables our market participants to expand their client base and get good income. We have only recently begun to understand that tourism is primarily an economy, that it is necessary to form entrepreneurial skills, teach students about economic things, financial instruments so that they can survive in the market and compete in it.

Today, the same manager of a tourism organization is a man-orchestra who owns several programs and, sitting in an office, can form any tour to any end of the world, wrap it in a good wrapper and sell it to a client. and if our personnel are not ready for such work, do not master new technologies, then we will lose personnel.

With the development of technology, of course, the staff will be reduced, because in the age of the Internet, people book tickets for themselves. But I think that there will always be guides, because live communication can never be replaced by anyone. And the manager's work will be filled with new content, he will become a kind of human orchestra and transform into a technology manager.