Construction Publication Date 11-10-2020

Sotnikov Sergey Vladimirovich

Director of Engineering Design Consulting Group LLP

At the moment, the construction industry is experiencing a certain recession. Sure, the stress is still temporary in nature, however, whether this stress becomes chronic, systemic or only temporary depends on the actions of the government.

Now the most important problem in the construction industry is the disruption of supply chains: imports, supplies, labor. I especially want to note the problem of human resources, there are not enough specialists. The market is also narrowing.

In the construction industry of Kazakhstan, projects ordered by the state are carried out by 6 points out of 10, and this applies to the entire cycle of work, from financing to personnel.

If we talk about design, then the situation is a little better, because the base of specialists has been preserved, and, probably, 70% of all design work is performed with 9 out of 10 points. Also, a particularly acute problem is the lack of using new technologies in the production of building materials.

We can confidently say that at the moment there is a turnover and shortage of qualified personnel in the industry. There is a great lack of specialists in road bridge builders, specialists in the construction of railways, highways, geologists, hydraulic engineers, and qualified builders of a wide profile. Our professional training in the construction specialty was fragmented, if before they first gave general knowledge on construction, and then they were divided into specific specializations, now graduates are more narrowly focused and a graduate who comes to work does not understand and does not see the big picture. Realities differ from the knowledge that students receive at the university, therefore, it is necessary to send teachers for internships to exchange experience, improve their qualifications.

With new technologies, suppliers-manufacturers come to us and talk about their technologies, hold seminars, provide educational materials, brochures, and we are exploring the possibility of their application in our projects.

I would like to note one innovation in the construction of highways and hydraulic structures that came to us from abroad - this is the use of biomaterials in the construction of hydrochannels and earthen cloth, this technology allows you to reduce the cost of work, reduce terms, increases the quality of work and increases the service life objects.

The use of this technology gives a very good result and with unlimited funds, we would invest in new biomaterials. Builders, one might say, are little gods who improve the quality of life on Earth, so construction specialties will not disappear anywhere. A person always wants more comfort and convenience for his life, which is realized through original engineering solutions. Of course, the development of technology will affect specialties, but without the human factor - nowhere. For example, the same bricklayers will be retrained to use new machines, the work will be automated to improve quality and reduce construction time, but the specialty itself will not go anywhere, perhaps a bricklayer will combine some managerial skills, take into account environmental factors, work with a bias in IT technology. This requires a new generation of specialists and new teachers.

I believe it is necessary to strive for world-class production. But you need to do everything competently and gradually, you do not need to mindlessly repeat after someone, and this requires highly professional management.