Oil and gas Publication Date 10-10-2020

Kairgeldy Maksutovich Kabyldin

Deputy General Director for Relations with the Government of the RK Caspian Pipeline Consortium - K JSC

Today, many analysts and experts say that the trend is shifting to the digital sphere. nations. XX century was the century of informatization, then our century is the century of IT technologies. These technologies are used everywhere, from various gadgets in the home to the implementation at the production level, so we can assume that the composition of the working professions and approaches to improve production efficiency will change. For example, if previously the operator performed mechanical actions, then in the future he will manage devices that have intelligent software programs, and therefore he must also have a basic knowledge of IT-technologies. As experts say, in the future, all this will lead us to artificial intelligence.

Digital deposits and financial and economic software have already appeared, which allow to model the whole project process.

What concerns the production itself, then, of course, IT-technologies will be used to increase the oil recovery factor. It is actual for Kazakhstan, as the main oilfields have been producing oil for more than 120 years, and for further development of these fields, new technologies are needed, which will allow to increase oil recovery factor. Thus, the oil industry of Kazakhstan will remain one of the largest players in the field of oil production in the world markets.

The given changes will concern all stages of a technological chain as at all stages of manufacture new technologies are used. For example, in the course of geological exploration used to use analog devices, but now digital devices. I also believe that in the near future, at least another 50 years, there will be no revolutionary upheaval in the energy sector, that is, the oil and gas industry will remain a source of energy.

Not all changes I consider positive, for example, in personnel policy the concept of an engineer is gradually being supplanted.

Another problematic issue that has always existed is that of environmental safety. Everything we do using resources has its own environmental risk, and I would like to prevent problems of this kind, but the solution of this problem will not happen in the near future.