Vista-International LLP


Vista International LLP implemented its first project in Kazakhstan in 2014 in the Zhambyl region, commissioning the first stage of the Korday wind power plant (WPP-21) with a capacity of 4 MW, followed by expansion to 21 MW. The Kordai wind farm is one of the first Kazakhstani power plants of this type. The Kordai wind farm is one of the first projects in Kazakhstan in the development of alternative energy sources, which has passed all stages of preparation in full compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the support of renewable energy sources, having agreed on a feasibility study (FS) with the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies (MINT) RK.

All professions


Agronomist of energy crops

Microbiologist on microalgae


Aerohydrodynamics of wind and hydro turbines

Generating device mechanic

Energy manager