"Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V."


The Karachaganak field, discovered in 1979, is one of the largest gas condensate fields in the world. It is located in the northwest of Kazakhstan and covers an area of ​​over 280 square kilometers. Its estimated starting hydrocarbon reserves are 9 billion barrels of condensate and 48 trillion cubic feet of gas, and its total estimated reserves exceed 2.4 billion barrels of condensate and 16 trillion cubic feet of gas. The successful operation of the Karachaganak enterprise depends on the professional knowledge and vast production experience of specialists from five oil and gas producing companies: Eni (29.25 percent), Royal Dutch Shell plc (29.25 percent), Chevron (18 percent), LUKOIL (13.5 percent) ) and KazMunayGas (10 percent). Karachaganak partners transfer their knowledge and experience to the Republic of Kazakhstan, trying to make the most rational use of both internal and external opportunities, in order to maximize the development of the field's resources. In 1997, the joint venture partners and the Authority representing the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan established a company to develop the Karachaganak field. The Final Production Sharing Agreement (FPSA) was signed, which determined the conditions for the joint development of Karachaganak until 2038. Since the signing of this agreement, more than $ 22 billion has been invested in the development of the field. During the development of Karachaganak, which is one of the most technically complex fields in the world, the most advanced hydrocarbon production technology was used. In 2019, KPO reached a record production level of 138 million barrels of oil equivalent of stabilized and unstabilized liquid hydrocarbons, raw and fuel gas. At the same time, the volume of gas re-injection to maintain reservoir pressure amounted to 8.7 billion cubic meters, which roughly corresponds to 47% of the total gas produced. As a socially responsible company, in the course of its production activities, KPO strives to ensure the efficient use of the potential of Karachaganak in order to achieve maximum social and economic benefits for the local population and the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole. "

All professions

Production Data Analyst and Machine Learning Specialist

Petroleum Service Digitalization Engineer (BIG DATA Architect)

IT dispatcher

Cyber Security Engineer

Defender against cyber attacks

Continuous Improvement Specialist (CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST)


R&D Project Manager

Lawyer in the oil and gas sector

Extractive Industries Ecoanalyst (Mitigation Management)

Laboratory chemist for the development of new materials

Power engineer for innovative energy (generation of various types of energy)

Technologist for the production of rubber, polypropylene, rubber and plastic from coal

Biological interaction technologist

Design engineer for modernization and adaptation of equipment

Equipment Modernization Supervisor

3D printing operator

Equipment Reliability and Predictive Analytics Engineer

Service software developer for oil and gas processes

Digital coach / distance mentor

Industrial reality 3D modeling specialist for worker training

Developer of individual training programs

Design Engineer to create digital twin of fields

Drone control specialist for field development (geology, geodesy, mine surveying)