LLP "Kazakhstan ASELSAN Engineering"


The company "Kazakhstan Aselsan Engineering" (hereinafter KAI) was established to develop and manufacture products and systems in the following areas: communications and information technology, radar and electronic warfare, electro-optics, avionics, weapons systems, modernization, command control systems, transport, security, road traffic, automation and healthcare. KAE cooperates with internal and external organizations to meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers. The company, supporting the mission and vision, within the framework of the goals of sustainable growth, operates as an innovative, preferred, reliable, environmentally friendly and technology company.

All professions

Specialist in virtual prototyping

Engineer designer of industrial robotics 

Engineer-designer of household robots

Engineer-designer of radio photonics devices

A specialist in the field of nanotechnology

3D printing materials scientist

Specialist in nanophotonics and metamaterials

Cybersecurity specialist (industrial)

BIG DATA analyst (industrial)