LLP "Kazcentrelectroprovod"


KCEP is a company with many years of experience in the development, production and integration of solutions for the industry and civil sector. For 25 years, we have been the driving force behind the introduction of innovations in the market of Kazakhstan in critical industries: in communications, electric power, railway automation and others. Today, by combining excellence, a spirit of innovation and dedication to tradition, we are ready for the technological demands of the new century. As always, our main goal is to take care of our customers. To implement it, we follow the principles of maintaining the proper quality of products and a high level of service - this is the business culture to which every employee of the company strives and which is critical for the long-term success of our and our customers.

All professions

Specialist in virtual prototyping

Engineer designer of industrial robotics 

Engineer-designer of household robots

Engineer-designer of radio photonics devices

A specialist in the field of nanotechnology

3D printing materials scientist

Specialist in nanophotonics and metamaterials

Cybersecurity specialist (industrial)

BIG DATA analyst (industrial)
