LLP "Electric locomotive krastyru zauyty"


The construction of the plant LLP "Elektrovoz krastyru zauyty" was carried out in the period from October 2011 to December 2012. By the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organization of production of electric locomotives was recognized as a strategic investment project. The founders of the enterprise are Alstom (France, 50% in the authorized capital), JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (25%), JSC Transmashholding (Russia, 25%). LLP "Electric locomotive kurastyru zauyty" aims not only to renew the traction fleet of Kazakhstan, but also to export products to the market of the "1520" space. In this regard, one of the important features of the project is the planned deep localization of production. Taking into account the components produced in the territory of the Customs Union, by 2020 the localization level is planned to be increased to 80%. This will reduce the cost of the produced electric locomotives, as a result, will increase the export capabilities of the plant. In order to maximize cooperation with existing enterprises and integration into the transport and machine-building cluster, the plant is located in the special economic zone "Industrial Park of Astana", which gives it advantages in paying customs duties and taxes

All professions

Reverse engineering design engineer

Specialist in predictive diagnostics

Cybersecurity specialist (industrial)
