KAMAZ-Engineering JSC


About the company 1. What is KAMAZ. It occupies 45% of the Russian heavy truck market. Included in the top 20 in terms of production of heavy-duty trucks. The plant has already produced more than 2,240,000 trucks. KAMAZ was founded in 1969 as the Kama complex of factories for the production of heavy vehicles (production association KAMAZ). In 1990, PA KAMAZ was reorganized into a joint stock company KAMAZ and is currently the largest automotive corporation in the Russian Federation, which ranks 16th among the world's leading manufacturers of heavy trucks. The technological chain group includes 12 large automotive factories. The following enterprises are located on the Naberezhnye Chelninskaya industrial site: KAMAZ-Metallurgy (foundry and forging plants), Engine Plant, Press-Frame Plant, Automobile Plant, Repair and Tool Plant and Remdiesel. As well as the largest subsidiaries outside the city of Naberezhnye Chelny: JSC "Neftekamsk Automobile Plant" and JSC "Tuimazinsky Plant of Auto Concrete Mixers" (Republic of Bashkortostan), JSC "Avtotracep-KAMAZ" (Stavropol). KAMAZ PTC offers a wide range of trucks on the market: - trucks (more than 40 models, over 1500 complete sets, right-hand drive vehicles); - trailers; - buses; - tractors; - engines; - power units; - a different tool. KAMAZ traditionally positions itself on the market of trucks with a total weight of 14 to 40 tons. In recent years, the range of products has expanded due to new models and families of vehicles - from urban distribution trucks to high-capacity vehicles for operation as part of road trains with a gross weight of up to 120 tons. The unified production complex of the KAMAZ PJSC group of companies allows covering the entire technological cycle of the production of trucks - from the development, manufacture, assembly of vehicles and auto components to the sale of finished products and service support. More than 2 million 240 thousand finished vehicles were assembled and sold at the KAMAZ automobile plant. Today the KAMAZ group of companies includes more than 150 organizations located in Russia, the CIS and far abroad, which employ more than 36 thousand people. 2. KAMAZ in Kazakhstan. In 2005, the KAMAZ Trading Company was established, which is the official distributor of one of the largest manufacturers of construction, road construction, oil and gas production, agricultural, municipal and other equipment in the Kazakhstan market, produced by the KAMAZ PJSC group of companies. It should be noted that almost simultaneously with the KAMAZ Trading Company, on July 2, 2005, in the city of Kokshetau, KAMAZ PJSC created its own vehicle assembly plant in cooperation with the National Company Kazakhstan Engineering. The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev. On August 5 of the same year, the first dump truck and bus were assembled, and on August 19, the first production vehicle rolled off the assembly line. All manufactured products are sold on the domestic market of the country. Today KAMAZ-Engineering JSC is one of the most technically equipped and administratively modernized enterprises in Kazakhstan. Moreover, this production is still the only similar production of heavy trucks in Kazakhstan.

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