JSC "Temirtau Electrometallurgical Plant"


To prove its social significance, the Electro-Metallurgical Plant introduced special social payments for current employees and retirees at its enterprise. In addition, the plant annually allocates considerable funds for the development of the region as a whole. We made a lot of deductions every year, including: maintenance of the road in the Abay district in the Topar village, overhaul of the boiler house, which was carried out in order to ensure the normal start of the heating season. We, in accordance with our work program, are, in principle, fulfilling the planned targets, - assures Darkhan Bayanov, General Director of TEMK JSC.

All professions

Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles for process control and geological exploration

Remote operator-technologist


Equipment repair and modernization supervisor

Reliability Engineer

Predictive Equipment Diagnostics Engineer

Eco Analyst
