

ADELINE LLP is a system integrator that has been successfully operating in the Kazakhstan information security market since 2007. The company offers its clients an integrated approach to protecting the organization's information environment, as well as the supply of individual products in the field of information technology. MISSION - to build the most reliable protection of companies in Kazakhstan from attacks, cyber threats and information data leakage that make up the economy and security of our Motherland!

All professions

Cyber protector universal ai

Digital lawyer

Designer artificial neural network

Analyst quantum computing

Technologist quantum computing

Operator quantum computing

Quantum cryptologist

The designer of distributed registries

Blockchain -technologist

Iot specialist

Architect peripheral computing

Developer universal ai

Technologist artificial intelligence's

Development engineer artificial neural network

Devops engineer

Ethical consultant universal ai

Consultant it ethics

Cyber investigator

Cyber ​​protector

Cyber lawyer



Monitoring's multi-experience (user experience)

Architect it ecosystems

Engineer-technologist peripheral computing

R&d manager
