LLP "NMSK" Kazmortransflot "


NMSK Kazmotransflot LLP (KMTF) is the National Sea Carrier (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 29, 2011 No. 462). Main directions of activity - Mission of KMTF: safe and reliable operation of the fleet; development of the national maritime trade and service fleets; increasing the profitability of shipping, both in the Caspian region and beyond. The strategic goal of KMTF is: to increase the share of the state in sea transportation and exploration of hydrocarbons at sea; formation of a unified state policy in the field of merchant shipping; strengthening of international cooperation in the field of merchant shipping.

All professions

Transport control interface designer

Digital Twin Designer

Operator of digital twins

Digital logistic card constructor

Operator of digital logistics maps

Predictive Maintenance Technologist

Additive Maintenance Engineer

Robotics operator

Robotics Technological Engineer

Operator-technologist of autonomous vehicles

Transport gamiifier

IT dispatcher

Production Data Analyst and Machine Learning Specialist

Petroleum Service Digitalization Engineer (BIG DATA Architect)

Cyber Security Engineer

Defender against cyber attacks

Continuous Improvement Specialist (CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST)


Unmanned aerial vehicle operator
