G1 Software Kazakhstan


Software Kazakhstan is a team of passionate people. We develop software and assemble hardware based on IoT technologies. For 5 years we have been proving, to the market and to ourselves, that it is possible to make a quality product in Kazakhstan

All professions

Technologist quantum computing

Operator quantum computing

Digital lawyer

Designer artificial neural network

Analyst quantum computing

Quantum cryptologist

Developer adc constructor (aggregated digital doubles)

Operator adc

The designer of distributed registries

Blockchain -technologist

Iot specialist

Developer universal ai

Technologist artificial intelligence's

Development engineer artificial neural network

Devops engineer

Ethical consultant universal ai

Developer, engineering designer VR/AR/MR

Editor, designer VR / AR / MR

Operator VR / AR / MR

Guide to mixed realities (functions can be performed by ai)

Consultant it ethics

Cyber investigator

Cyber ​​protector

Cyber lawyer



Monitoring's multi-experience (user experience)

Architect it ecosystems

R&d manager
