• Кәсіпорынның ID нөмірі 287092
  • Кәсіпорын 20.06.2024 жарияланды

"МҰЗМАМАН.КЗ" жауапкершілігі шектеулі серіктестігі

Басқа топтамаларға енгізілмеген өзге де кәсіби, ғылыми және техникалық қызмет

ICEMAN.KZ is a consulting company focusing on science, information, and technology in the area of Ice and Metocean. Through the history of its existence experts delivered major projects for Oil and Gas industry varying from in-situ and remote support. Internal Research and Development encompasses all stages for data processing from acquisition in the field and from Space to development of custom software and database management. In-house software development expertise ranges from open-source solutions to commercial high-performance systems. ICEMAN.KZ is registered in Microsoft Partner Network to deliver solutions for Cloud based computing Data Analysis and ERP systems.

Recent acquisition of ICEMAN.KZ by AVENCOM has brought Electronic Hardware systems EPCM and IoT Management of infrastructure expertise into the company placing the two into the top competitive Ice and Metocean service providers in Kazakhstan capable to cover full spectra of activities to support offshore operations.

ICEMAN.KZ was founded in 2012 by leading ice specialists based in Kazakhstan. The core group of the company has more than 15 years of experience in the Caspian Sea supporting of Oil and Gas operations both for Ice and Metocean hazard analysis at offshore drilling and production facilities and for marine logistics as well as several years of involvement with projects supporting seismic operations off the North-East Greenland coast, performing engineering ice studies for Ob Estuary, Kara sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and field research conducted in the Barents Sea near Svalbard. In house capabilities developed by Company allows delivery of large-scale Ice and Metocean studies as was performed for Total digitizing six ice seasons in the Ob Estuary and Kara sea to produce insights for drift effects on operations in channel and derive wind to ice forecasting model.

ICEMAN.KZ plays important role in the public sector of the Caspian region focusing on Kazakhstan Sector and communities along the Northern coast. We take action through increasing awareness on Ice and Metocean issues in the Caspian through the public domain, promoting sponsoring and inspiring research in local and international universities. Onboarding and training young specialists through mentoring and access to high technology data processing and interpretation tools, real data, and scientific knowledge base is practiced in ICEMAN.KZ to ensure technical and cultural development in the country and access to virtually unlimited resource pool for completion of studies and projects when driven by business needs.

In the short history of the Company, ICEMAN.KZ have conducted mutual projects with Danish Meteorological Institute and Horizon Ice in the Caspian Sea in support of the Kashagan project and off the Greenland assisting in seismic survey by TGS. Cooperation with Witteveen+Bos resulted in successful delivery of ice regime assessment in support of Kashagan Marine Access Channel design to NCOC. Early pre-FEED studies on ice and metocean Basis of design was developed for Yakutia Gas project in the Sea of Okhotsk collaborating with WeatherNews. We developed network of collaborators in adjacent industries to accomplish complex consulting and operational service projects. These would be marine contractors, geophysical survey companies and major independent metocean services providers. Please, visit our web site https://ICEMAN.KZ/ for more details about the company with samples of data we produce and description of services we provide.

Қызметкерлер саны: 8

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