• Кәсіпорынның ID нөмірі 110848
  • Кәсіпорын 01.01.2018 жарияланды


Ақпарат және байланыс

HEADTECHNOLOGY Group was established in 2000 more than 15 years ago with focus on only the best IT security solutions. HEADTECHNOLOGY Group is a Value Added Distributor oriented on cyber security and infrastructure management in Central and Eastern Europe, Baltics, CIS and Central Asia. The solution portfolio is defined to complement both traditional IT security needs and guard against new risks and threats, as well as customers to be compliant and effectively protect their most valuable corporate assets and their intellectual property.


Being the part of headtechnology Group international holding our local team takes care of the whole Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey. This team has a reputation of achieving our sales objectives while never losing focus of doing what is right for our partners and clients, they provide all services, software and hardware support.

Қызметкерлер саны: 50

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