• Кәсіпорынның ID нөмірі 716735
  • Кәсіпорын 21.07.2023 жарияланды

"Galatek" Жауапкершілігі шектеулі серіктестігі

Басқа топтамаларға енгізілмеген өзге де жеке көрсетілетін қызметтерді ұсыну

GALATEK is the market leader in providing technical solutions for oil and gas, construction, mining, telecommunications, logistics and other industries.

We have been providing services worldwide since 2007 (GALATEK international)

Since 2020, GALATEK LLP has been based in Kazakhstan and has registered and fully functioning offices in New York, Prague, Atyrau, Tengiz.

GALATEK provides the following technical support services:

Recruitment of staff 

Provision of national and electronic labor quality control services

Training services 

Commissioning and electrical equipment / Control and measuring devices

Civil engineering 

Design in the oil and gas industry

Over the years, the company has employees from all over the world. This allows the company to be a leader in the industry and to accept brilliant minds from all countries into its team. This allows us to be involved in new projects around the world. The staff in our offices are highly qualified employees - graduates of Harvard, Cambridge and other top universities. 

Who have behind them the implementation of very large-scale international projects.

Қызметкерлер саны: 10

  • Атырау облысы / Атырау қ. , проспект Студенческий 52 704
  • LLP Galatek
  • +7 (777) 233 17 16 / Ішкі телефон: -1
  • hr@galatek.kz
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