• Кәсіпорынның ID нөмірі 147012
  • Кәсіпорын 03.04.2018 жарияланды

"СОС-ҚАЗАҚСТАН" жауапкершілігі шектеулі серіктестігі

Жалпы дәрігерлік практика

International SOS  is the world leader in the organization of medical services and providing security during business trips.

We take care of our customers around the world, having at their disposal more than 1000 units in 90 countries. We have unique knowledge and expertise: more than 12 000 of our employees, among them 1400 doctors and 200 specialists in the field of security, work for the comfort and safety of our customers.

The company has been working in Kazakhstan for more than 20 years, providing its clients with a full range of services, offering risk management solutions, both globally and locally.

International SOS in EECA provides medical services at remote sites, industrial facilities, marine vessels and drilling platforms.We initiated a number of risk prevention programs, the effectiveness of which is supported by the professionalism, experience and knowledge of our employees.

We provide unparalleled effectiveness in the cases of serious illnesses, accidents, or in civil and political conflicts.

We do our best to help our clients fulfill their obligations to help their employees. With our help international and local companies, government and non-governmental organizations reduce the risks that may face their employees in solving their tasks.

Қызметкерлер саны: 39

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